The Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) was launched in 1998 to attract immigrants and meet the province’s economic and labor market needs. It has been highly successful, with 7 out of 10 newcomers choosing to immigrate through the program. Saskatchewan has a high employment rate of around 76% for newcomers, and over 85% of immigrants choose to stay in the province.

SINP is known for its various immigration options and is often considered an “easy” Provincial Nominee Program (PNP). It offers an enhanced sub-category called Saskatchewan Express Entry, aligned with the federal Express Entry system. Candidates in this category receive an additional 600 Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) points, significantly increasing their chances of receiving an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for permanent residence. Most of Saskatchewan’s sub-categories are base streams, requiring candidates to apply directly to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) for permanent residence.

Saskatchewan Immigration Streams

If you’re considering immigration to Saskatchewan, you have four options to explore:

1. International Skilled Worker Category:

This option is for skilled workers who want to live and work in Saskatchewan.

2. Saskatchewan Experience Category:

Designed for foreign workers already residing in Saskatchewan, including those with a valid work permit and international graduates.

3. Entrepreneur and Farm Category:

Tailored for individuals seeking to own and actively run a business or farming operation in Saskatchewan.

4. International Graduate Entrepreneur Category:

Specifically for international students graduating from an eligible post-secondary institution in Saskatchewan and intending to establish a business in the province.

International Skilled Worker Category

The International Skilled Worker Category within the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program offers four pathways for immigration:

1. Tech Talent Pathway:

This sub-category targets highly skilled workers with a job offer from a Saskatchewan employer in one of the 11 designated tech occupations.

2. Employment Offer:

Designed for skilled workers who have a job offer from a Saskatchewan employer in any occupation.

3. Occupations In Demand:

This sub-category is for highly skilled workers with experience in an in-demand occupation in Saskatchewan, even if they do not currently have a job offer in the province.

4. Saskatchewan Express Entry:

This sub-category is for candidates already in the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada’s (IRCC) Express Entry pool who possess skilled work experience in an in-demand occupation in Saskatchewan.

Application Fee:

Application fees for the International Skilled Worker Category in the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) are set at CAD $350.

Processing Time:

The processing times for each sub-category within the International Skilled Worker Category are as follows:

1. Employment Offer: The average processing time for this sub-category is around 4 weeks.

2. Occupations In Demand: The average processing time for this sub-category is approximately 35 weeks.

3. Saskatchewan Express Entry: The average processing time for this sub-category is around 37 weeks.

Minimum Requirements:

To be eligible for the International Skilled Worker Category under the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP), the minimum requirements for each sub-category are as follows:

1. Tech Talent Pathway:
  • Job offer: Yes
  • Meet language requirements
  • Have a permanent, full-time job offer from a Saskatchewan employer for an eligible job, and meet licensure requirements if necessary
  • Have at least one year of work experience in the past 5 years in the intended occupation or six months if working for a supporting employer
2. Employment Offer:
  • Job offer: Yes
  • Meet language requirements (CLB 4)
  • Have a permanent, full-time job offer from a Saskatchewan employer for an eligible job, and meet licensure requirements if necessary
  • Have at least one year of paid work experience in the past ten years in the intended occupation
3. Occupations In Demand:
  • Job offer: No
  • Meet language requirements (CLB 4)
  • Have completed at least one year of post-secondary education or training
  • Have a minimum level of work experience related to your field of education or training in an in-demand skilled occupation
  • Obtain proof of professional status or licensure if required by Saskatchewan
  • Have sufficient funds to settle in the province and a settlement plan
4. Saskatchewan Express Entry:
  • Job offer: No
  • Be in the Express Entry pool and have an Express Entry Profile Number and Job Seeker Validation Code
  • Meet language requirements
  • Have at least one year of post-secondary education or training
  • Have a minimum level of work experience related to your field of education or training in an in-demand skilled occupation
  • Obtain proof of professional status or licensure if required by the SINP
  • Have a certificate of qualification in your skilled trade if your work experience is in a skilled trade
  • Have sufficient funds to settle in the province and a settlement plan
Application Process:
  • To start the process, you must register your EOI on the SINP Apply Online portal and fill out a form to assess your eligibility.
  • The EOI Points Grid evaluates candidates based on factors such as education, work experience, language proficiency, age, and connections to the Saskatchewan labor market and adaptability.
  • To enter the EOI pool, you need a minimum score of 60 out of 110 points in the EOI Points Grid.
  • If selected, you will receive an invitation to apply during an EOI draw.
  • You can then apply for a provincial nomination from the SINP through the same portal.
  • For the Employment Offer sub-category, if you have a job offer, you can apply directly without registering an EOI.
  • Once your application is approved, you can apply for permanent residence directly to IRCC.
  • If applying through the Express Entry sub-category, Saskatchewan will enter your nomination details into the system, providing an additional 600 CRS points, significantly increasing your chances of receiving an invitation to apply for permanent residence in the next Express Entry draw.

Saskatchewan Experience Category

The Saskatchewan Experience Category within the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) offers six pathways for immigration:

1. Skilled Worker With Existing Work Permit:
  • Designed for skilled workers who have been working in Saskatchewan for at least six months and hold a valid work permit.
2. Semi-skilled Agriculture Worker with Existing Work Permit:
  • Intended for semi-skilled workers who have worked for more than six months with a valid work permit for the employer offering them a job, or who have previously worked in Saskatchewan for at least six months. They must also have a full-time permanent job offer from a Saskatchewan employer as a General Farm Worker (NOC 8431) or Nursery and Greenhouse Worker (NOC 8432).
3. Health Professionals:
  • Targeting physicians, nurses, or other health care workers who have worked for at least six months in Saskatchewan.
4. Hospitality Sector Project:
  • Specifically for food and beverage servers, food counter attendants, kitchen helpers, or housekeeping and cleaning staff who have worked for at least six months in the hospitality sector in Saskatchewan.
5. Long Haul Truck Driver Project:
  • Geared towards individuals who have been working for an approved trucking firm in Saskatchewan as long-haul truck drivers for at least six months.
6. Students:
  • Tailored for students who have graduated from a post-secondary institution anywhere in Canada and have worked in Saskatchewan for at least 24 months. For students who graduated from a Saskatchewan institution, the work requirement is reduced to just 6 months.
Application Fee:

No fee is required for the application.

Processing Time:

The processing of the application typically takes around 1 to 2 weeks.

Minimum Requirements:
1. Skilled Worker With Existing Work Permit:
  • Possess a valid work permit.
  • Have a permanent, full-time job offer from an eligible employer.
  • Have worked for at least six months with the employer offering the permanent job.
  • Meet the language requirement of CLB 4.
  • Hold a valid SINP Job Approval Letter.
  • Provide proof of eligibility for licensure if required.
2. Semi-skilled Agriculture Worker with Existing Work Permit:
  • Have been employed for more than six months with a valid work permit from the employer offering the job; or
  • Have previously worked in Saskatchewan for a minimum of six months.
  • Possess a permanent, full-time job offer from a Saskatchewan employer in the specified National Occupation Classification (NOC) occupations: General Farm Worker (NOC 8431) or Nursery and Greenhouse Worker (NOC 8432).
  • Meet other criteria specific to the sub-category.
3. Health Professionals:
  • Hold a valid work permit.
  • Possess a valid SINP Job Approval Letter.
  • Have a permanent, full-time job offer.
  • Fulfill additional requirements specific to physicians, nurses, and other health professionals.
4. Hospitality Sector Project:
  • Possess a valid work permit for Food/Beverage Server (NOC 6453), Food Counter Attendant/Kitchen Helper (NOC 6641), or Housekeeping/Cleaning Staff (NOC 6661).
  • Have been employed in Saskatchewan for at least six months with an approved employer.
  • Have a permanent, full-time job offer from an approved employer.
  • Hold a valid SINP Job Approval Letter.
  • Have at least a high school education.
  • Meet the language requirement of CLB 4.
5. Long Haul Truck Driver Project:
  • Have been employed for at least six months with a work permit from an approved trucking firm.
  • Possess a current Saskatchewan Class 1A driver’s license.
  • Have a full-time, permanent job offer from the employer.
  • Hold a valid SINP Job Approval Letter.
  • Meet the language requirement of CLB 4.
6. Students:
  • Have graduated with a certificate, diploma, or degree from a school outside or in Saskatchewan.
  • Meet the language requirement of CLB 4.
  • Have worked for at least six months in Saskatchewan.
  • Hold a Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP).
  • Have a permanent, full-time job offer in their field of study from a Saskatchewan employer in an eligible occupation.
  • Possess a valid SINP Job Approval Letter.
Application Process:
  • Determine eligibility for one of the sub-categories.
  • Apply online through SINP Apply Online.
  • Complete the application and upload all required documents in PDF format.
  • Submit the application and receive a confirmation email.
  • The application is assessed by Saskatchewan.
  • Receive a final decision on the application.
  • If successful, receive a provincial nomination.
  • Use the provincial nomination to apply for permanent residence with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

Entrepreneur and Farm Category

1. Entrepreneur Sub-Category:
    • For individuals interested in investing in Saskatchewan by establishing, acquiring, or partnering in a business.
    • Active management role in the business is required.
2. Farm Owners and Operators Sub-Category:
    • Designed for experienced farmers with substantial capital.
    • Aimed at those looking to invest in a farming operation and establish their residence in Saskatchewan.
Application Fee:

CAD $2,500

Processing Time:

Approximately 14 weeks

Minimum Requirements:
1. Minimum Net Worth:
    • For the Entrepreneur Sub-Category: Must have a minimum net worth of $500,000 CAD (or $300,000 CAD through the Young Farmer Stream).
    • For the Farm Owners and Operators Sub-Category: Must meet the relevant financial requirements specified for the commercial farming opportunity.
2. Legally Accumulated Net Worth:
    • Must have accumulated your net worth through legal means, verified to at least 80 percent.
3. Additional Requirements for Each Sub-Category:

i. Entrepreneur Sub-Category:

        • Entrepreneurial Experience: Must have at least three years of entrepreneurial experience within the past 10 years.
        • Equity Investment: Must have a minimum equity investment of $300,000 CAD in Regina or Saskatoon, or $200,000 CAD in another Saskatchewan community.
        • Business Establishment Plan (BEP): Must have a comprehensive BEP.
        • Business Ownership: Must own at least one-third of the equity of a business in Saskatchewan, unless the total investment is $1,000,000 CAD or higher.
        • Job Creation: Must create or maintain at least two jobs for Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents in Saskatchewan, specifically for businesses located in Regina or Saskatoon. If purchasing a business in Saskatoon or Regina, the number of Canadian or permanent resident workers must be maintained at the time of purchase.
        • Residency Requirement: Must live in Saskatchewan with your family.
        • Business Performance Agreement: Must sign a business performance agreement with the Government of Saskatchewan, which will be provided by the SINP after the application is approved.
        • Additional Business Requirements: The business must meet additional requirements set by the program.

ii. Farm Owners and Operators Sub-Category:

        • Farming Knowledge and Experience: Must have relevant farm operation knowledge and experience.
        • Farming Proposal: Must have a viable and well-considered proposal for a commercial farming opportunity in Saskatchewan.
4. Additional Requirements for the Young Farmer Stream:
      • Farming Experience: Must have at least three years of experience in farm ownership, farm management, or practical farming experience.
      • Supplemental Income Potential: Must demonstrate the potential to supplement your farming income with your spouse/common-law partner’s marketable employment skills, based on education and experience.
Application Process: 
1. Entrepreneur Sub-Category:

Step 1: Expression of Interest (EOI) Registration:

  • Register your Expression of Interest (EOI) with the SINP, providing relevant details about your business plan, experience, and other qualifications.
  • Receive a point score based on the information provided in your EOI. Candidates with higher scores are selected in periodic draws.

Step 2: Application Invitation

  • If selected from the EOI pool, you will be invited to submit a formal application to the SINP.
  • Complete the application form accurately and provide supporting documents as required.
  • Submit your application directly through the SINP Apply Online system.

Step 3: Assessment and Interview

  • Your application will undergo a thorough assessment by the SINP.
  • If your application meets the criteria, you may be contacted for a final interview to discuss your business plan and intentions further.
  • Following the interview, you will be provided with a Business Performance Agreement (BPA) to review and sign.

Step 4: BPA Submission and Approval

  • Review the BPA carefully, ensuring you understand and agree to the terms and conditions outlined.
  • Sign the BPA within the specified timeframe (usually 20 days) and submit it to the SINP.
  • Upon approval of the signed BPA, you will receive the SINP Entrepreneur Approval letter and a Temporary Work Permit Support letter.

Step 5: Temporary Work Permit and Business Establishment

  • Within three months of receiving the Entrepreneur Approval letter, apply for a temporary work permit through Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
  • Once your temporary work permit is granted, relocate to Saskatchewan and establish your business according to the terms of the BPA.
  • Attend an arrival meeting within 18 months of the date on your SINP Entrepreneur Approval letter.

Step 6: Business Operation and Compliance

  • Maintain legal status in Canada and actively operate your business in accordance with the terms outlined in the BPA.
  • Fulfill the obligations and requirements stated in the BPA for a minimum period of six months.

Step 7: Provincial Nomination and Permanent Residence Application

  • After successfully running your business for at least six months, you become eligible to request a provincial nomination from the SINP.
  • With a provincial nomination, you can then apply for permanent residence directly to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) as a business immigrant.
2. Farm Owners and Operators Sub-Category

Step 1: Gather Required Documents

  • Ensure you have all the necessary documents for your application, including those for yourself, your spouse or common-law partner, dependent children, and an employee in your current farming operation.

Step 2: Submit Application

  • Send an email to to submit your application for the Farm Owners and Operators Sub-Category.
  • Include all required documents as specified in the application guidelines.

Step 3: Application Assessment

  • The SINP will review your application and may contact you for clarification, additional documents, or an interview if needed.

Step 4: Successful Application

  • If your application is approved, you will receive two documents: the Nomination Approval and Request for Approval Letter, and the Business Performance Agreement (BPA).

Step 5: Refundable Good Faith Deposit

  • The Request for Approval Letter will provide instructions on how to make a refundable CAD $75,000 Good Faith Deposit through wire transfer.
  • The deposit must be received within three months of receiving the letter.

Step 6: Sign and Return BPA

  • After making the Good Faith Deposit, sign the Business Performance Agreement (BPA) and send it back to the SINP as instructed.

Step 7: Provincial Nomination

  • Upon receipt of the signed BPA and the Good Faith Deposit, you will receive a provincial nomination from the SINP.

Step 8: Apply for Permanent Residence

  • With the provincial nomination, you can then apply for permanent residence directly to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) as a business immigrant.


International Graduate Entrepreneur Category

The International Graduate Entrepreneur Category is designed for international graduates of eligible post-secondary institutions in Saskatchewan who intend to establish a business. Approved candidates must actively operate and manage the business in Saskatchewan for a minimum period of one year to qualify for a provincial nomination for permanent residence.

This category specifically targets international students who have graduated from recognized post-secondary institutions in Saskatchewan and have aspirations to start their own business in the province. Successful candidates will be required to run and oversee their business in Saskatchewan for a minimum duration of one year to be eligible for a provincial nomination for permanent residence.

Application Fee:


Processing Time:

Approximately 14 weeks

Minimum Requirements:
  • Age: Applicants must be a minimum of 21 years old.
  • Education: Completion of a full-time post-secondary degree or diploma from a designated learning institution in Saskatchewan, with a minimum duration of two years.
  • Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP): Possession of a valid PGWP with a minimum validity of two years.
  • Residency: Resided in Saskatchewan throughout the entire academic program.
  • Language Proficiency: Meet the language requirement of Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 7.

Application Process:

Step 1: Expression of Interest (EOI) Registration
  • Register your Expression of Interest with the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP).
  • Receive a point score based on your EOI submission. Candidates with higher scores are selected in each draw.
Step 2: Application Invitation
  • If selected, you will be invited to submit an application directly to the SINP through the online application system.
  • Submit your application along with a Business Establishment Plan (BEP) that aligns with the information provided in your EOI.
Step 3: Business Performance Agreement (BPA)
  • Once your application is approved, you will be required to sign a Business Performance Agreement (BPA).
  • The BPA will be tailored to your specific BEP and will outline the terms and conditions for operating your proposed business.
Step 4: Business Operation and Compliance
  • Actively operate your proposed business in accordance with the terms stated in the BPA.
  • Fulfill all obligations and requirements outlined in the BPA before the expiration of your Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP).
Step 5: Provincial Nomination and Permanent Residence Application
  • Once the conditions of the BPA are met, you become eligible to apply for a provincial nomination for permanent residence.
  • With a provincial nomination, you can then apply for permanent residence directly with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
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Address info

Janaki Marga, Gaushala, Kathmandu