The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP), also known as the Ontario PNP, was established in 2007. Its primary objectives are to address skill shortages in specific sectors, facilitate investment in Ontario, and support the successful settlement and integration of newcomers in the province.

Over the years, the program has expanded significantly. Initially, Ontario could nominate up to 1,000 newcomers annually, but now it has the authority to nominate approximately 8,000 individuals each year.


Ontario Immigration Categories

Ontario offers several immigration categories for individuals who wish to immigrate to the province. These categories provide different pathways based on an individual’s qualifications, skills, education, work experience, and business aspirations. The main categories are:

1. Human Capital Category
2. Masters or PhD Category
3. Employer Job Offer Category
4. Business Category


Human Capital Category

The Human Capital Category is a part of the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) and offers opportunities for skilled individuals to immigrate to Ontario. It consists of two sub-streams, one of which is the Ontario Express Entry, which is aligned with the federal Express Entry system. Here’s an overview of the programs under the Human Capital Category:

1. Human Capital Priorities:

This program targets candidates who qualify for the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) or Canadian Experience Class (CEC). Key requirements include having a valid Express Entry profile, at least one year of full-time work experience, and a bachelor’s, master’s, or PhD degree. Applicants must also meet the language requirement of CLB level 7 or higher.

2. French-Speaking Skilled Worker:

This program operates through FSWP and CEC, similar to the Human Capital Priorities stream. It specifically targets French-speaking candidates who possess strong language skills in both French and English. The requirements include a valid Express Entry profile, at least one year of full-time work experience, and a bachelor’s, master’s, or PhD degree.

3. Skilled Trades:

This program is designed for individuals with relevant work experience in an eligible trade occupation in Ontario. Key requirements include having a valid Express Entry profile, at least one year of full-time work experience, a valid certificate or license (if applicable), and a current residence in Ontario with a valid work permit. The language requirement for this stream is CLB level 5 or higher.

If you receive a nomination through the Ontario Express Entry streams, you will be notified and given the option to accept or decline the nomination. Accepting the nomination provides an additional 600 points in the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS), ensuring an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for permanent residence in the next Express Entry draw.

Minimum Requiements:

To be eligible for one of the streams under the Human Capital Category, you must meet the following minimum requirements:

  1. Must have enough funds: You must have sufficient funds to support yourself and your family members.
  2. Intention to live in Ontario: You must demonstrate a genuine intention to live and settle in the province of Ontario.
  3. Additional requirements for each stream:
    • Human Capital Priorities Stream:
        • No job offer required.
        • Must have a valid Express Entry profile.
        • Must possess at least one year of full-time paid work experience.
        • Must hold a bachelor’s, master’s, or PhD degree.
        • Language requirement: CLB level 7 or higher in English or French.
    • French-Speaking Skilled Worker Stream:
        • No job offer required.
        • Must have a valid Express Entry profile.
        • Must have at least one year of full-time paid work experience.
        • Must hold a bachelor’s, master’s, or PhD degree.
        • Language requirement: CLB level 7 or higher in French.
    • Skilled Trades Stream:
        • No job offer required.
        • Must have a valid Express Entry profile.
        • Must have at least one year of full-time paid work experience.
        • Must possess a valid certificate or license (if applicable) in a skilled trade.
        • Must currently reside in Ontario and hold a valid work permit.
        • Language requirement: CLB level 5 or higher in English or French.
Applicaton Process:
  1. Determine Eligibility: Determine which stream you are eligible for based on the minimum requirements and additional requirements mentioned earlier.
  2. Create One-key account: Register for a ONe-key account on the OINP website.
  3. Complete Profile and Application: Create your profile and initiate your application through the online portal by selecting the appropriate stream and clicking on the corresponding file number. Ensure that you upload all the required documents.
  4. Maintain Express Entry profile (for Express Entry streams): If you are applying for one of the Express Entry-aligned streams, you must maintain a valid Express Entry profile throughout the process until you receive a nomination.
  5. Nomination approval: If your application is successful, you will receive a Nomination Approval Letter and an OINP Certificate of Nomination via email.
  6. For Express Entry streams:
    • Nomination through Express Entry: You will receive the nomination through your Express Entry profile.
    • Accept the nomination: You need to accept the nomination, which will award you an additional 600 Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) points.
    • Invitation to Apply (ITA): With the extra CRS points, you will receive an Invitation to Apply for permanent residence in the next Express Entry draw.
  1. For Graduate streams:
    • Apply for permanent residence: You will be required to apply for permanent residence with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) within six months.
    • Include nomination documents: Include your nomination approval letter and certificate received from the OINP with your permanent residence application.


Masters and PhD Category

Masters and PhD Category under the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) is designed for individuals who have obtained their Masters or PhD degrees from an Ontario University. This category is not aligned with the Express Entry system, and applicants need to create a profile and register an expression of interest (EOI) through Ontario’s Expression of Interest (EOI) system. This category consists of the following streams:

1. Masters Graduate Stream:

Intended for individuals who have completed a Masters degree program from an Ontario University.

2. PhD Graduate Stream:

Designed for individuals who have completed a PhD program from an Ontario University.

NOTE: The Masters Graduate Stream and the PhD Graduate Stream both use Ontario’s Expression of Interest (EOI) system.

Job Offer:

Not Required

Application Fee:

There is an application fee of CAD $1,500 for the Masters and PhD Category.

Processing Time:

The processing time for applications in this category typically ranges from 30 to 60 days.

Minimum Requirements:

1. Masters Graduate Stream

  • Must have a Masters degree from an eligible university in Ontario.
  • Language requirement: CLB level 7 or higher (English or French).
  • Must have legally lived in Ontario for at least one year in the past two years.

2. PhD Graduate Stream:

  • Job offer required: No
  • Express Entry aligned: No
  • Minimum requirements:
  • Must have a PhD degree from an eligible university in Ontario.
  • Must have legally lived in Ontario for at least one year in the past two years.


Employer Job Offer Category

The Employer Job Offer Category of the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) consists of the following three programs:

1. Foreign Worker Stream:
    • This stream is designed for skilled workers who have a valid job offer from an employer in Ontario.
    • Minimum requirements and eligibility criteria vary depending on the occupation and skill level of the job offer.
    • Applicants must demonstrate that they have the necessary qualifications, experience, and language proficiency to perform the job successfully.
2. International Students Stream:
    • This stream is for recent graduates of eligible Ontario post-secondary institutions.
    • Applicants must have completed a full-time program of study at a designated institution in Ontario.
    • A job offer from an employer in Ontario is required, and it must be related to the applicant’s field of study.
    • There are specific requirements regarding the level of education, language proficiency, and work experience.
3. In-Demand Skills Stream:
    • This stream is designed for intermediate skilled workers in specific sectors with labor shortages in Ontario.
    • Eligible sectors include agriculture, construction, trucking, and personal support workers.
    • Applicants must have a job offer from an employer in Ontario in one of the eligible occupations.
    • Minimum requirements and eligibility criteria vary depending on the occupation and skill level of the job offer.


Foreign Worker Stream

Application Fee:
  • CAD $1,500 if the job offer is outside the Greater Toronto Area.
  • CAD $2,000 if the job offer is within the Greater Toronto Area (City of Toronto, Durham, Halton, York, and Peel regions).
Processing Time:

60-90 days.

Minimum Requirements:
  • Must have a full-time, permanent job offer in an eligible occupation in Ontario.
  • Must have work experience, license, or other authorization required to perform the job.
  • Must intend to live in Ontario.
  • Employer must meet additional requirements related to their business, revenue, and employment.


In-Demand Skills Stream

Application Fee:
  • CAD $1,500.
Processing Time:

90-120 days.

Minimum Requirements:
  • Must have a job offer in an in-demand occupation.
  • Must have nine months of work experience.
  • Language requirement: CLB 4 or higher (English or French).
  • Must have a high school diploma.
  • Pay must be higher than the median wage level for that occupation in Ontario.


Skilled Trades Stream

Application Fee:
  • CAD $1,500.
Processing Time:

Not specified.

Minimum Requirements:
  • Must have a job offer in a skilled trade occupation.
  • Pay must be higher than the low wage level for that occupation in Ontario.
  • Must have a two-year degree or diploma from a Canadian institution.
Application Process:
  1. Create a profile on the OINP e-Filing Portal and register your Expression of Interest (EOI).
  2. Ontario holds provincial draws to invite the highest-ranking candidates from the pool.
  3. If you receive an invitation, you will be notified through the portal and must submit your application within 14 calendar days.
  4. Submit your application through your One-key account.


Ontario Regional Immigration Pilot

The Ontario Regional Immigration Pilot is a part of the Employer Job Offer Category aimed at attracting and retaining immigrants in rural and small communities in Ontario to address labor shortages and promote economic growth in those areas. The pilot focuses on three specific communities: Chatham-Kent, Cities of Belleville and Quinte West, and City of Cornwall.

The Ontario Regional Immigration Pilot aims to fill labor gaps and stimulate economic development in rural and small communities. It offers 150 nomination spaces in 2021 for immigrants with job offers in the designated pilot communities. The pilot seeks to attract skilled individuals and distribute immigrants more evenly across the province, benefiting local economies and fostering community growth.

There are three pilot communities that are part of the Ontario Regional Immigration Pilot:

1. Chatham-Kent;
2. Cities of Belleville and Quinte West;
3. City of Cornwall.


Minimum Requirements:

To immigrate to Ontario through the Regional Immigration Pilot, you must meet the following requirements:

1. Full-Time, Permanent Job Offer: You need to have a full-time, permanent job offer from an employer located in one of the pilot communities. This job offer should align with the criteria set for the Employer Job Offer streams.

2. Employer Job Offer Stream Criteria: You must also meet the eligibility criteria for one of the Employer Job Offer streams under the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP).

Application Process:

If you are interested in applying for the pilot, you must first register an Expression of Interest (EOI). During the registration process, you will be asked whether you intend to apply under the Regional Immigration Pilot. This step allows the authorities to identify your interest and consider you for nomination through the pilot program.


Business Category

The Business Category in Ontario is designed for individuals interested in starting or purchasing a business in the province. Currently, the Entrepreneur Stream is the only stream available under the Business Category.

Application Fee:

CAD $3,500

Processing Time:
  • EOI Assessment: Less than 30 days
  • Application: Depends on application complexity
Minimum Requirements:
  1. Business Experience: Must have a minimum of 24 months of business experience within the last 60 months.

  2. Net Worth: Depending on the location of the business, you must have a net worth of CAD $800,000 if it will be located in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), or CAD $400,000 if it will be located outside the GTA.

  3. Personal Investment: A minimum personal investment of CAD $600,000 is required if the business will be located in the GTA, or CAD $200,000 if it will be located outside the GTA.

  4. Equity Ownership: Must control at least one-third of the equity in the business.

  5. Active Management: Must be actively involved in the management of the business.

  6. Profit-Oriented: The primary purpose of your investment should be to generate profit.

  7. Job Creation: If the business is in the GTA, you must create at least two permanent full-time jobs for Canadian citizens or permanent residents. If the business is outside the GTA, one permanent full-time job is required. For businesses in the information and communications or digital communications sectors, only one full-time job is required, regardless of location.

  8. Additional Requirements: If you are purchasing an existing business, there may be additional requirements to fulfill.

Application Process:
  1. Expression of Interest (EOI): Submit an EOI by contacting the OINP via email to request a registration form. Complete the form and return it by email.

  2. Ranking and Invitation: Your EOI will be evaluated, and you will be placed in a pool and ranked against other candidates. Periodically, Ontario conducts draws to invite the highest-ranked candidates to submit applications through the OINP e-Filing Portal.

  3. Net Worth Verification: Hire a qualified vendor to review your personal net worth and legal accumulation of funds.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ontario’s Human Capital Category does not require a job offer. This includes the following streams:

  • Human Capital Priorities Stream
  • French-Speaking Skilled Worker Stream
  • Skilled Trades Stream
  • Master’s Graduate Stream
  • PhD Graduate Stream.

However, Ontario’s Employer Job Offer Category is for candidates who have an eligible job offer in Ontario from an employer who is willing to nominate them.

For the Human Capital Category (excluding the Masters Graduate Stream and the PhD Graduate Stream), the application process involves the following steps:

  • Register for a ONe-key account: Visit the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) website and create a profile by registering for a ONe-key account.

  • Complete the application: Start your application on the OINP website and fill in the required information. Upload the necessary documents as specified in the application.

  • Nomination Approval: If your application is successful, you will receive a Nomination Approval Letter, a work permit support letter, and a nomination certificate via email.

  • Submit application to IRCC: Within six months of receiving the nomination, you must submit an application to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). Include the Nomination Approval Letter and nomination certificate with your application.

  • Express Entry candidates: If you are an Express Entry candidate, you will also receive your nomination through the Express Entry system. This will result in additional points being awarded, and you will receive an invitation to apply for permanent residence in a subsequent draw.

For the Employer Job Offer Category, the application process is as follows:

  • Create a profile on the OINP e-Filing Portal: Create a profile on the OINP e-Filing Portal and register your Expression of Interest (EOI).

  • Provincial draws: Ontario regularly conducts provincial draws to invite the highest-ranking candidates from the EOI pool. If you are invited, you will receive a notification in the portal and must submit your application within 14 calendar days.

  • Application submission: Submit your application through your ONe-key account on the OINP e-Filing Portal within the specified timeframe.

Regarding the Business Category, the application process involves the following steps:

  • Submit an Expression of Interest (EOI): Contact the OINP via email and request a registration form for the Entrepreneur Stream. Complete the form and email it back.

  • Ranking and Invitation: Your EOI will be assessed, and you will be placed in a pool and ranked against other candidates. Ontario conducts draws to invite the highest-ranked candidates to submit applications through the OINP e-Filing Portal.

  • Net Worth Verification: Hire a qualified vendor to review your personal net worth and the legal accumulation of funds.

  • Application submission: If invited, you will submit your application through the OINP e-Filing Portal within the specified timeframe.

If you already have a profile on the federal Express Entry system and wish to immigrate to Ontario, you will need to follow these steps:

  • Register for an ONe-key account: Visit the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) website and register for a new ONe-key account.

  • Create a new profile: Once you have your ONe-key account, create a new profile specifically for the OINP. Choose the stream you are eligible for within the OINP.

  • Upload your documents: Complete the profile and upload the required documents as specified in the application.

  • Nomination Approval: If your application is successful, you will receive a Nomination Approval Letter, a work permit support letter, and a nomination certificate via email.

  • Express Entry nomination: As an Express Entry candidate, you will also receive your nomination through the Express Entry system. Accept the nomination, which will result in an additional 600 points being awarded to your Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score.

  • Invitation to apply for permanent residence: With the added points from the nomination, you will be guaranteed an invitation to apply for permanent residence in a subsequent Express Entry draw.

Ontario offers several compelling reasons to consider immigrating to the province:

  • Cultural Diversity: Ontario, particularly Toronto, is known for its cultural diversity. With over half of the population born outside of Canada, it is a vibrant and inclusive place to live, offering a rich tapestry of cultures, languages, and traditions.

  • Abundant Job Opportunities: Ontario, especially Toronto and its surrounding cities, provides a wealth of job opportunities. Many major corporations have their Canadian headquarters in Toronto, making it a hub for industries such as finance, technology, film and media, and tourism. This creates a favorable environment for career growth and professional development.

  • Prestigious Universities: Ontario is home to some of the world's top-ranked universities. Institutions such as the University of Toronto, McMaster University, and the University of Waterloo are renowned for their academic excellence and research contributions. Studying in Ontario can provide access to high-quality education and enhance career prospects.

  • Quality of Life: Ontario offers a high standard of living with access to excellent healthcare, infrastructure, and public services. The province boasts a mix of vibrant urban centers and scenic natural landscapes, providing opportunities for recreational activities, cultural events, and a balanced lifestyle.

  • Strong Economy: Ontario has a robust and diverse economy, contributing significantly to Canada's overall economic growth. The province offers a favorable business environment, entrepreneurship support, and innovation-driven industries, attracting investment and fostering economic opportunities.

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Janaki Marga, Gaushala, Kathmandu